(maybe not the safest way, but . . .)
So, I have tiny eyelashes.
Thanks mom.
I guess I should be grateful for having eyelashes at all but goodness . . . they are just so teeny!
But . . . I have found a way that works really well for me . . . AND I've tried it on several girls I've done makeup for and it seems to work pretty well for them too.
So, although some professional makeup artists out there might cringe at what I'm about to tell you, I'm doing it anyways because it works for me. And maybe . . . just maybe . . . it will work for you too. :)
So here's seven steps to thick, full, and long (ish) lashes.
Like I said, I've been blessed with tiny lashes. But if this is something you don't know right away, that's your first step to applying flawless mascara. It takes a while, but because of how well I know my lashes; I know where to position my curler, where to start applying, how far to lean my head back so that black isn't smudged all over my eyelid, and I know that I have to blink to get my eyelashes unattached from the curler. These are things that take time to master but are very important to know.
{silly face time} Before I even start applying my first coat of mascara, I curl my lashes. If this is a new step to your mascara routine, don't be frightened! It took me about six months to get the courage to hold the curler farther back than the tipity tips of my lashes. So just be willing to practice.
One of the best tricks I ever learned for tiny lash girls like me is to be super generous with your coats! It's gonna take a lot, and that's okay!
The second best trick I learned was to apply one coat of a waterproof mascara (here I'm using The Rocket waterproof by Maybelline) before going in with your regular mascara. I promise if you try this you will be blown away by the magic it does! I don't know how it does it, but it keeps your lashes standing up all day long instead of slowly being weighed down and toppling over.
After my one coat of waterproof I apply two coats of my MaryKay Ultimate Mascara (short rant- best mascara I've ever tried, hands down!). Be easy when applying. Start from the root and slowly drag all the way to the very ends.
Wait five minutes for those coats to dry. Finish your hair, get dressed, read a book, eat breakfast . . . whatever floats your boat.
Alright, so here's what I meant by "not the safest." I guarantee most people will tell you not to curl your lashes again after applying mascara because "your eyelashes will fall out!" Well, let me be the first to tell you, they will. But let's get the truth out: an eyelash falling out every once in a while is going to happen whether or not your eyelash curler does it. They are just like hairs on the top of your head . . . they grow back. AND, I've been doing this trick for years and so far my eyelashes aren't looking and less lacking then they were before.
When I started doing this I was floored at the appearance of my eyelashes . . . it looked like, well . . . like I actually had them! They were visible and girl . . . they were hot.
So here's my eyelashes when it's all said and done. Let me know if these simple little tricks work for you! :)
Ta-ta lovelies,
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