Thursday, February 20, 2014

Page six.

Inspiration Board

Crafty Caroleen (Episode 1 my dears)

Welcome back to Inspiration Week lovelies! I hope you have found your chin raised a little higher as you strive to climb out of the rut we so often find ourselves in this time of year. I know I sure have!

Today I really want to focus in on the step I mentioned, Create Something. I cannot stress the importance of this enough! I promise, promise, promise you will see your mood uplifted when you have the bragging rights to something you came up with yourself.

I too, have been feeling the crafty bug since I mentioned it last time. So here I am, to share what that bug did to me with you.

Have fun!  TAKE YOUR TIME! Making something sloppy and quick won't boost your self-esteem, but lessen it. Think of this as "you time."

Step 1: Gather supplies.
For this project you will need:

P.S. Blackboard poster is not necessary. Any kind of poster will do. I just chose it to use the chalk as well.

Step 2: Cut out pictures, sayings, Scriptures, etc. Anything that inspires you, challenges you, or is a goal for your future.

 Step 3: This step may seem pretty obvious, but after I cut out every piece I wanted, I adjusted them how I liked onto the board and glued each picture down.

Step 4: Since I did opt to buy the blackboard posters, I got to do this step with some chalk. But this is the time for you to go all out with your creativity! Use paint, markers, crayons, stickers . . . whatever your heart so desires.

Step 5: Here's my finished project! I LOVE IT! I chose to use pictures with the color schemes I want for my future house, a Bible verse that's convicting me lately, things I'd like to have in my future wedding, people who inspire me, and places I'd one day like to work.

 Step 7: Display that puppy! Maybe you don't want to hang it up where everyone can see it, but put it somewhere that you will see it every single day! I chose to place mine right next to the mirror where I get ready every morning. It's so encouraging to see the things I'm working towards and strive to do better at right in front of me.

If you choose to make an inspiration board too, send me a picture! I would love to see your masterpiece!

Ta-ta lovelies,

ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm thrilled to announce that I have been given the opportunity to blog for a local magazine. What an honor! (As soon as I know the link for that, I will let you know) Because of this wonderful surprise, I am changing up the days I post on this blog. Sunday's will still be a picture recap, and Mondays and Thursdays will now be the other days I'm posting. I plan on posting for the magazine every Tuesday and Friday. I love you all! Check back Sunday!

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